SADGRL.ONLINE LAYOUT BUILDER: every page i have made has used this layout builder!! amazing way to get started and to have a working site right of the bat that you can edit and play around with as you learn!

W3SCHOOLS: tutorials on all the basics!! also really handy for if you want to do something specific but have no clue how to start, there prob is a tutorial for it on here


GIFCITIES: massive database of oldschool gifs from past geocities, powered by the internet archive

BLINKIES.CAFE: make your own custom blinkies :D

DABAMOS: huge collection of 88x31 buttons to add to your webpage

CAPSTASHER: another huge collection of 88x31 buttons!!

TUMBLR: people post a lot of web graphics and transparent png's on tumblr, a lot of the blinkies i use are from there

DEVIANTART: all of my stamps are found on deviantart

FLAMINGTEXT: fun 3D text fonts you can customize, i used these on my arthub page